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How to Maintain a Growth Mindset

Hello, my name is Michael, and I will give as much information of what it is to have a growth mindset.

To have a Growth Mindset, you need to take control of what is important so that you can accomplish the goals you need to get through anything you’re trying to do. It takes a lot of discipline in order to become truly successful, especially if you have a Fixed Mindset. This Mindset will keep you from completing tasks much faster than a person that would have a mindset of effort and persistance.


For myself, in order to keep a Growth Mindset, there must be three things that I must keep to continue thinking this way. So when it comes to completing a goal, the first thing to add to your mindest is Persistance. There is nothing better than completing anything without Persistance and it is the engine that runs to what it means to have a growth mindset. Now that you have Persistance, you should also have effort put into what it is that you do. Effort is what makes a person Grow into the mindset by not giving up, which is essential in order to see progress in your work. The last is the most important step to growth is to maintain Focus for whatever task that must be completed, so that things become much smoother. When we have Focus, we can’t let other things distract us in order to have the potential of further growth. For me, I think that these three words help a person to become more motivated in there assignments, goals, and accomplishments, as well to complete the Growth Mindset that is needed to succeed.


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